Dividend Portfolio

About the dividend portfolio page

I will try to keep it updated as much as possible but bear in mind that it might not be the most up to date version as I will first perform the actions in my dividend portfolio and then update it here.

Now that we’ve got this out of the way, you can find my dividend portfolio next and some description of the actions below it.

The Date is the date of purchase, and I will update the “Percentage of the current portfolio” according to the distribution at purchase, not as to the current worth within the portfolio.


Anything appearing here is not a financial advice or call to action in any way. I will not be held accountable if you choose to follow my portfolio. If you’d like to invest yourself, you should seek professional advice from a financial advisor.

The dividend portfolio

DateSymbolSharesCost per shareInitial CapitalPercentage of the current portfolio

The total current allocation size is $26,030.791
Date of update: 2021-07-06
The current capital gains of the date of writing this is: $9,790.21 (unrealized)
The current dividend gains of the date of writing is: $722.90 (realized)

More information and decision clarification

I decided to use the recession and the virus timing to put most of the funds into the portfolio now, as prices are at a bargain. For example, EUDV, which is the Euro Dividend Aristorcats, is about 25% lower than what it was before the virus started. VIG, which represents the US Dividend Aristocrats, is at about 17% lower than it was before the virus.

Not much has changed aside from the fact that the economy jittered in that period. It was a great time to take advantage of the market taking a small break.

GPC is my special winner, as it took an amazing hit during the period of market shutdown, and I got it at a steal of a whopping 34% lower than what it was before the events.

I think it’s safe to assume that the market took a hit and will not regain it back very quickly, but I think it’s also safe to say that not much should change in the high demand industries of consumer goods. And also, with the dividend growth strategy, we’re looking for the long haul, not short term gains.

Getting the stocks at a little bargain is nice and all, but I’m still going to invest on a period basis and not by prices solely, as it will average out in the long run. This time I used the drop to purchase a little bigger quantity, but no one knows where it’s going to go, so I’m still waiting with a stack of cash and remain vigilant to see if it continues to drop. If it will, even better as I can buy another big chunk at a discount.

June 2021

Today I added a bit of MO & USOI.
USOI is set as a test and a small chunk of the portfolio, just to test the possibility of an actual 38% dividend return, if that would be the case, I might add on later on.

MO is a good company that seems to be at a good spot technically, but that’s not really an indication for anything. It’s part of the dividends kings and is currently set on around 7% dividend yield which is an awesome return. This is a good addition to the portfolio, but since I’m not sure that it’s the right time to go in, I bought a small amount for a little under 5% of the portfolio.


I remind you again to perform your research prior to purchasing any investment vehicle, whether it’s dividend yielding stocks, real estate, or whatever you choose to.

Let me know in the comments below if you want some more specific information regarding my dividend portfolio. Also you can follow the blog and articles as I will post some more about the portfolio over there from time to time.