Relaunching the blog

Complete blog overhaul and relaunch!

I’m relaunching this blog and pivoting more to covering the process of starting a new YouTube channel from scratch (Board At Hell). My plan is to help others that are starting out a new channel and to provide all of the imformation right from the beginning – when there’s nothing in place. No following, no plugs, not even a first video.

This specific post comes after publishing my first video of the channel, but everything is still fresh so I’ll start right at the beginning in the following posts.

I decided to do this as I want to help others start and create as so many people just stop before they start, me along those people. There’s been so many channels that I wanted to start, created the channel, and then gave up and didn’t even upload a single video. I also had channels that I stuck with for quite a while, but didn’t look to actively grow them, so they fell apart as well.

This time around, I’ll do it right from the experience that I had, along with looking into learning and improving while taking it seriously. This specific channel is very dear to me as it’s about board games – Something that I love, enjoy, and I can say that I’m pretty good at.

I believe that this experience and documentation would help lots of aspiring people that don’t even know where to start. So follow along with my steps as we take our YouTube channels forward to be a hefty size. My goal is to get to a point that it’s big enough to replace a day job. Not neccessarily to quit my job, just to have the option, and that my followers that might need to leave they’re day jobs, will be able to.

So make sure you come back often to this blog, I’ll try to post with every milestone and idea.

Ready, Steady, GO!

See you in the next one,

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