The Most Important Thing For An Online Business

A friend of mine came up with a great idea for an online business and he told me about it.
He’s one of those people who think of something and immedietly runs to create it… or a prototype at least. I told him there will be more to that and he should start thinking about the other aspects of the online field right now, even before he perfects his product.

“So you’ve decided to create an online business… Great! Now what?”, I asked, “What do you mean?”, he replied.
“There is so much to do, and by the time your product will be finished, you need to have a plan for the important part of it – How will you sell it?
In other words, how to generate traffic and how to control it.
“I didn’t think of that, I’m pretty sure people will like the product and want to buy it”, he said.

You see, he came up with an idea and thought about his product, how it will work, what will it give the customer, how to improve it, but he didn’t consider the actual sale process.
Yes, sometimes a great product will sell it self and it will go by word of mouth, but most of the time, you will need to find a way to bring your product to your target audience’s attention.

I decided to help him.
We’ve mapped out the audience of his product – people that have created a family, and stay at home most of the day.
This summed to the following general audience – Stay at home moms\dads, pensioners, and partly self employed people, ages vary from 30 to 70, and we came up with more parameters.
Afterwards, we set a budget for his exposure and ad campaigns, setting all the variables in place and putting a time limit for the ads to run.
They’re just waiting to be fired once the product will be done.

I suggested some more sneaky ways for him to create more traffic, but I’ll share this with our newsletter group, so be sure to join us ASAP by clicking here (best do that now, before you forget, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere 😉 ).

Now that we’ve got that cornerstone in place, he needed some form of website or pages for an efficient traffic management.
I suggested the tool that I use, ClickFunnels, to create the pages for the product promotion.

Yes, I’m bias since I’m using this tool, but objectively, it saved me so much time and efforts on stuff that I could’ve created myself (as a programmer), and I know how much money all that time is worth when launching a new product.
He will use ClickFunnels to create a simple 4 pages funnel (offer, upsale, downsale, and a thank you page), for his product.
I assume it will take us about 2 hours tops to perfect that funnel customization. Afterwards, he can get back to creating his prototype, getting it to be a basic sellable product, launch the ads with the funnel, and continue to perfect the product as the sales coming in.

I hope this helped you,

P.S. If you want to try out ClickFunnels for FREE, click on this link now:
Yes, I Want My 14 Days Trial For Free

See you in the next post,

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