Boost Your Business to Success

So you’ve got your business Facebook page, you’re being active and representing your business well. What’s the next step?

The exposure that your posts on your business’s Facebook page reaches, is only to the people that already liked your page. You probably want to reach the rest of the world as well, that’s why Facebook created the “Boost” feature.

Boosting a post, acts as an advertisement (more on ads in the following posts), and shows the post from your Facebook business’s page as a sponsored post on other people’s feed, according to the settings you define.

Let’s cover how this is done.
I’ve boosted my previous post as an example for how it works.

In the above figure, you can see the “Boost Post” button. By clicking on it, the following window will open:

In this window we can see the post on the right, how it will be displayed in desktop feeds, and how in mobile phones feed.
At the left panel, we set the audience that we want our post to be exposed to. You can use the default settings Facebook suggest, I advise to click on “Create New Audience”, this will open the following window:

Here we define our target audience.
Set the name for your custom audience, define the age by the people you want to view your product\service and set the locations from which those people will be.
If you have a local business, you want to target local areas within a small radius. If you have an international business, you can target a broader audience or even split this to multiple advertisements specifically for each location.

The last part is the Interests. This is the most important part as this is the difference between an efficient ad, and just wasting money. The interests of your audience should correspond with your business subjects. Start writing those in and Facebook will suggest related interests, the possibilities are endless. Though, take in mind that the more interests you add, the broader the audience gets.
After you save the new audience, it’s time to define a budget and timeline:

The budget and duration basically define how much you’re going to spend for each day.
After you set your desired spending, set the payment method and click “Boost”, and… You’re done!

Now your post is waiting to be reviewed. Facebook is checking every post that it conforms with their terms & services. If you’re unsure, check the T&S and find out if your post is valid for promoting.
after being approved, your ad will show as follows:

Our post boost is active. People are now being exposed to our post and we the progress of our ad from Facebook at the sidebar on the homepage.

This is the results from the post.
Not bad! 2 people engaged our not-so-compelling post for just $0.5 per person.

Very important: The ads created from the “Boost” are very basic and generic. Creating a more specific ad is possible through the Ad Manager, we’ll get into that later.

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See you in the next post,

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