
It took me a really long time to set up this website, but at last, it is up and running.
So, let’s start with why did I create this website…

It all started when I was a 14 years old kid and came across the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” (link posted at the bottom of the post) book over the internet. That was the point that my life has changed.
I became obsessed about learning as much as I could about money and how to acquire assests. The bad news was, most “Guides” were actually just psychological education.
Not that I belittle the importance of psychological financial education, it’s just that… I’ve had a lot of that but no actual, practical information that I could act upon.

So I went on my own path to creating wealth.

I’ve created a business, which is related to paper assets, and is still running and making profits. I’ve joined a business, which is rather close to its’ launch, so no money there yet. And I’ve created this website, to share some of my knowledge with you, so you could find your way to your freedom.

Take note that at my current position, I haven’t reached my goal yet and I’m yet to be financially free… But! I’m getting there 🙂

This was just a little taste for my reasons. More information about me In the next post.

See you in the next post,

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